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Placing OrdersPayment issues
If you are getting error messages when making a payment using a card, please check the following:
- The address registered on your card matches the billing address in My Account/on your order
- You are entering the card details correctly e.g the expiry date and security code from the back of your card
- Has your bank declined the payment, you will need to contact your card provider as they will have more information.
- Try using a different card or payment method.
Once you've checked all of the above and you are still experiencing problems, please contact us and include as much detail as you can around the error:
- The error message you are seeing
- A description of the problem
- What payment method you are trying to use
- What the products are you’re trying to purchase
- What internet browser you are using or if you are using our app
- Any other details that could be useful
Please note: If you are experiencing problems whilst using PayPal or Frasers Plus to make a payment, you will need to contact them directly.
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